Development of solvent free high solids DTM coating
Development of a direct to metal solvent free high solids coating with high anti-corrosive and wear resistant properties. In reducing solvent content of coating systems two major advantages are presented: 1. Less polution of the environment 2. Better performance than current high performance coating systems As not all types of binder are suitable for producing […]
Development of a durable concrete surface
As a concrete surface is in direct contact with the environment, it is our belief that a durable concrete surface increases the lifespan of any concrete structure. To achieve this, we not only improve mixtures, but also look at the interaction between molding surfaces and fresh concrete. Existing concrete structures are made durable by application […]
Development of impact resistant concrete
We are specialised in the development of mulitple impact resistant thin concrete walls (< 60 mm) for use in panic rooms, security enclosures etc. Thin impact resistant concrete allows for low weight and easy installation. Additional heat and abrasion resistance can be incorporated in our mix designs.
New Material Development
Albricht initiates new material development for concrete sewage systems Albricht and Bjond together initiated a development of a new material that is able to protect concrete sewage systems from biogenic corrosion. The project is funded by Crossroads 2 of the European Union.